For weeks I have had problems with Google Chrome. It would work very few times and then for reasons I didn’t understand, would stop working. On the command line you would get several screens of text, but never would the Chrome window appear.
So I tried the Beta, and it worked… once.
Deleted all the cache and configuration and it worked… once.
Every time the process would be in an infinite loop listening to a Unix socket (fd 7) but no window for the second and subsequent starts of Chrome.
By sheer luck in the screenfulls of spam I noticed this:
Gkr-Message: 21:07:10.883: secret service operation failed: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service files
Hmm, so I noticed every time I started a fresh new Chrome, I logged into my Google account. So, once again clearing things I started Chrome, didn’t login and closed and reopened. I had Chrome running the second time! Alas, not with all the stuff synchronised.
An issue for Mailspring put me onto the right path. installing gnome-keyring (or the dependencies p11-kit and gnome-keyring-pkcs11) fixed Chrome.
So if Chrome starts but you get no window, especially if you use cinnamon, try that trick.
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