Category: debian
Debian WordPress 6.5
Today I have updated the Debian WordPress packages to version 6.5. Not exactly sure what has changed, but they’re very excited over on the WordPress site about fonts and templates. I don’t think I’m selling it well, so hop over to the WordPress 6.5 Announcement for the real details.
WordPress 5.2.4
Hot on the heels of WordPress version 5.2.3 which fixed a bunch of stuff we have WordPress 5.2.4 with fixes for six security issues. There is a certain trick to matching up what the WordPress Blog thinks has been fixed and the changsets between the old version and the new. The curious thing is there…
Backporting and git-buildpackage
For working with Debian packages, one method of maintaining them is to put them in git and use git-buildpackage to build them right out of the git repository. There are a few pitfalls with it, notably around if you forget to import the upstream you get this strange treeish related error which still throws me…
WordPress 4.0.1 fixes for Debian stable
Previously I posted a short article about the WordPress package for Debian and how that SID was getting the updated WordPress 4.0.1 which had some security fixes. The question a lot of people were asking was: What about stable (or Wheezy). After way too much time due to other pressing issues, I have just uploaded…
No more dspam, now what?
I was surprised at first to see that a long-standing bug in dspam had been fixed. Until that is, I realised it was from the Debian ftp masters and the reason the bug was closing was that dspam was being removed from the Debian archive. Damn! So, now what? What is a good…
WordPress 3.8 for Debian
Well if you can read this then you know it’s working. After way too many weeks, Debian will have WordPress version 3.8. Thanks to Raphaël for his kind assistance and answering my questions about how it was built. The upload is still gurgling along and will make it there in its own time. He said…
Damn you, unworking r8168
I really don’t know why ethernet device makers insist on making it hard for to use their products. Ethernet has been around for many, many years; surely its not too much to ask for drivers that “just work”. And so that’s the problem I currently have with my new computer. It has an onboard Ethernet…
pidof moving to procps
pidof is a program that finds the PID of a named program. In some ways it is like a cut-down pgrep found in the procps package. pidof currently sits in sysvinit-tools. There are plans to move all utilities that use the proc filesystem under one package which will make the maintenance of them simpler, which…