Tag: GTK+

  • Forking processes and Gtk2

    I made a change recently on the gjay program. gjay is a gtk program that basically analyzes your music and makes playlists. There is a gui frontend and a analyzer back-end and they communicate through a pipe.

    One really useful debugging option gtk has is to make warnings fatal, so when gtk finds one it crashes at that point and you can use gdb to trap it. The flag is –g-fatal-warnings.  I have been updating gjay and initially it didn’t have this option, so I needed to add the gtk options, which is a simple one-liner.

  • Context sensitive menus with GtkTreeView

    A project I now maintain called GJay uses the GTK+ toolkit and has a GtkTreeView that shows the directories and the songs in them.  I was wanting to add a context sensitive menu on that view so that you could do things to the item you have right-clicked on; generally file specific things like give me information about this song or queue it to play.  My only problem was, how to do it?  A few Google searches showed things that were almost, but not quite, what I was after.  The main problem being either the documentation was incomplete or it assumed I was after the selected field (the row I may of left-clicked on) and not the one I right-clicked on to get this event.

    This GtkTreeView uses a store where NAME_COLUMN is defined at 0, meaning it is the first column. The program uses this column to store the filename of the song.

    So first I needed to create an event to kick things off, we need to connect the “button-press-event” to our tree_view, which calls a function in this case view_on_button_pressed.

     g_signal_connect(tree_view, "button-press-event",
       G_CALLBACK(view_on_button_pressed), NULL);
    gboolean view_on_button_pressed(GtkWidget *tree_view,
                                    GdkEventButton *event,
                                    gpointer user_data) {
      GtkTreeSelection *selection;
      GtkTreePath *tree_path;
      GtkTreeModel *tree_model;
      GtkTreeIter tree_iter;
      gchar *name;
      if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS && event->button == 3) {
        tree_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view));
        if (gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view),
              (int)event->x, (int)event->y,
              &tree_path, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
          if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(tree_model, &tree_iter, tree_path)) {
            gtk_tree_model_get(tree_model, &tree_iter, NAME_COLUMN, &name, -1);
            g_print("rc name is %sn", name);

    So a breakdown of what my callback is doing:

    • Line 1:The callback’s widget is the GtkTreeView widget we connected the signal with
    • Line 10:Checks the event was a button press and button #3 (right button)
    • Line 11: Find the GtkTreeModel from the given GtkTreeView
    • Lines 12-14: Get the GtkTreePath that the right-click was sitting at by using the event coordinates.
    • Line 15: Convert the GtkTreePath into a GtkTreeIter
    • Line 16: Find the actual value we put into this row.

    The program, now that it knows the song title, can then go off and generate a menu for that song.

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