Tag: jffnms
PHP uniqid() not always a unique ID
When is a unique id not unique? How can a file exist and not exist? All this caused a mysterious bug in JFFNMS with the reachability interface which goes to show the limitations of the PHP function uniqid().
jffnms 0.9.4
JFFNMS version 0.9.4 was released today, this version fixes some bugs that have recently appeared in previous versions. The triggers rules editor had a problem where some of the rules clicked off the triggers would not appear or could not be edited correctly. Most of the Admin screens have the ability to sort the rows.…
JFFNMS 0.9.3 1st release candidate
I have been putting a lot of testing into JFFNMS lately. I have been very lucky to have had someone with the time and patience to try out various sub versions and give me access to their results. The end-result of all this testing is a much, much less buggy JFFNMS. There have been a…
JFFNMS 0.9.1 Released
JFFNMS 0.9.1 has the database extracts and updates missing from 0.9.0 This is the most problematic part of the project release; ensuring that the database updates correctly. Version 0.9.1 is functionally the same as 0.9.0, it is just with less bugs!
JFFNMS – 3rd RC lucky?
I’ve just uploaded to sourceforge the third and hopefully last RC for JFFNMS network management system version 0.9.0 The reason for the delay was easter as well as I wanted to test the engines for a long while to make sure I was not getting any orphan children or items. Previous versions had processes that…
JFFNMS at RC2, ncurses at 5.8
After some reports back about [JFFNMS](http://www.jffnms.org/) 0.9.0rc1 I have now updated it to rc2. Thanks for all who gave me information about how it worked in YOUR setup. I cannot be sure but I’d say the second RC will be the last until the release itself. Sven has also given me the nod and ncurses…
One of the many Free Software projects I work on is JFFNMS, which is a network management system written in PHP. In light that the last IPv4 address blocks have now been allocated to APNIC it’s probably timely to look at how to manage network devices in a new IPv6 world. First you need to…
JFFNMS 0.8.5 released
After my usual battle with PHP and database exports, jffnms 0.8.5 is now released. This program is a network management system written in PHP. The worst part about the whole maintaining process for it would have to be is the release. Why is it so difficult to track changes within a database and PHP code?…