Connecting to Internode IPv6 on Debian

If you are running Debian and are connected to the internet by Australian ISP Internode you can connect to their tunnel broker. This page describes how to do it with a few simple steps.

For more information about what Internode is doing with IPv6, have a quick look at the Internode IPv6 page. That page will give you some basic overall view of how the system is setup. Don’t use the instructions they give you. While they do work, its a lot more complicated their way.

##Information to collect

Before you start, you will need to know the following information:

* Your internode username and password, this is the same details that you put in your ADSL modem to connect to the ISP.
* Decide if you just want the Debian computer using IPv6 in “host mode” or you want everyone on your LAN to route through this computer in “router mode”.

You will first need the gateway client program, which is found in the Debian package [gogoc]( If you are running in “router mode” you will also need to install
[radvd]( Both of these packages are in the Debian main distribution so you can download them the normal way you get your Debian packages.

Edit the gogoc configuration file */etc/gogoc/gogoc.conf* to suit your situation, the important lines are:


For MY_HOST_TYPE, use “host” or “router” depending if you want just this computer or everyone on your LAN to have IPv6 respectively.

##Starting gogoc for the first time
When you first start gogoc it will try to make a secured connection to the tunnel broker. The problem is that it needs to check the key you get is ok. This means that the first time you run gogoc you need to do it on the command line, like this:

server# invoke-rc.d gw6c stop
Stopping Gateway6 Client: gw6c.
server# gw6c is an unknown host, do you want to add its key?? (Y/N)
server# killall gw6c
server# invoke-rc.d gw6c start
Starting Gateway6 Client : gw6c.

The server key is now stored in */var/lib/gogoc/* and the program will start automatically with no further key problems.

##Checking its working
There are a few ways of checking your configuration is working:

* **pgrep gw6c** returns the pid of the program
* Use ifconfig program on interface tun0 or (if you are in router mode) eth0 should show inet6 addresses starting with 2001:44b8:: prefix which belongs to Internode.
* Browse to and watch the bouncing Google words.
* ifconfig output should look something like the following:

server$ /sbin/ifconfig  | egrep '(Link|inet6)'
eth0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 12:34:56:78:9a:bc
     inet6 addr: 2001:44b8:42:22::1/64 Scope:Global
     inet6 addr: fe80::234:56ff:fe78:9abc/64 Scope:Link
lo    Link encap:Local Loopback
     inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
tun   Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
     inet6 addr: 2001:44b8:41::43/128 Scope:Global


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