Category: Software

  • procps 3.3.6 and Mudlet 2.0

    Yesterday was a busy Debian day for me with the release of not one but two packages. procps procps version 3.3.6 was released both as an upstream and a Debian package.  While there were many bug fixes in this release, the main new feature for it was the top inspect feature. The top inspect feature…

  • procps-ng 3.3.5

    Are you using procps 3.3.4?  My suggestion is you don’t! An API change slipped through which mean if you tried to run procps 3.3.5 on libproc 3.3.4 it did strange things. One of those strange things is ps ax crashes. Top looked rather interesting as well.  This in turn upsets the boot sequence around mounting…

  • jqGridWidget in Turbogears

        Turbogears 2 uses Toscawidgets 2 for a series of very clever widgets and base objects that you can use in your projects.  One I have been playing with is the jqGridWidget which uses jquery to display a grid. The idea with jquery is creating a grid or other object and then using javascript…

  • NTP control messages

    I have had an opportunity to rework some code to query NTP servers directly in python rather than running ntpq -pn and scraping the result.  The over-the-wire protocol format is reasonably straight forward and my little module is now passing all of its nosetests which is wonderful. While its only a single table, ntpq actually…

  • Careful with PIDs

    Quick question, what is the lowest Process ID you will find?  Most people (myself included until recently) would be able to say that the lowest number is 1 for the init process.  Plenty of programs including ps and pstree have this assumption. This assumption bit me this week with Debian Bug 687829 where pstree on…

  • Context sensitive menus with GtkTreeView

    A project I now maintain called GJay uses the GTK+ toolkit and has a GtkTreeView that shows the directories and the songs in them.  I was wanting to add a context sensitive menu on that view so that you could do things to the item you have right-clicked on; generally file specific things like give…

  • debhelper versions – Guilty!

    After reading Jakub’s pet peeve about debhelper build-dependencies I decided to check my own and sponsored packages to see how they fare. find debian/ -type f -name control | xargs grep -h -o ‘debhelper (>= 9[^)]*)’ | sort | uniq -c 2 debhelper (>= 9) 2 debhelper (>= 9.0) 3 debhelper (>= 9.0.0) 1 debhelper…

  • Dejagnu tips

    Both the procps and psmisc projects use Dejagnu for their testing.  It’s interesting to try to understand how it all works and learning a new language TCL.  One of the big problems with Dejagnu is its documentation which is very sparse. So here are two things I’ve picked up along the way for a reference…

  • pam bugs hurt

    I did some upgrades of what seemed like a million packages today on my Debian sid computer.  I was doing this remotely and when I tried to ssh back in I got kicked out after entering my password, hmmm. OK, so I waited until I could get in front of it and tried to login…

  • JFFNMS 0.9.3

    JFFNMS version 0.9.3 has been released today.  This is a vast improvement over the 0.9.x releases and anyone using that train is strongly recommended to upgrade.So what changed? What didn’t change!  A nice summary would be fixing a lot of things that were broken or needed some tweaking. A really, really big thanks to Marek…