Tag: Application programming interface

  • procps-ng 3.3.5

    Are you using procps 3.3.4?  My suggestion is you don’t! An API change slipped through which mean if you tried to run procps 3.3.5 on libproc 3.3.4 it did strange things. One of those strange things is ps ax crashes. Top looked rather interesting as well.  This in turn upsets the boot sequence around mounting…

  • procps-ng version 3.3.2 released

    procps-ng version 3.3.2 was released today.  This version fixes some bugs introduced in version 3.3.1 as well as a number of enhancements. Below is the most significant set of changes that 3.3.2 brings. NLS The most visible change is that procps-ng is now international.  The NLS changes took a long windy path but we got…