Tag: debian

  • JFFNMS at RC2, ncurses at 5.8

    After some reports back about [JFFNMS](http://www.jffnms.org/) 0.9.0rc1 I have now updated it to rc2. Thanks for all who gave me information about how it worked in YOUR setup.  I cannot be sure but I’d say the second RC will be the last until the release itself.

    Sven has also given me the nod and ncurses 5.8 migrated into unstable.  We’ve had one report that the new version of ncurses might not play well with stfl (see #616711 ) but generally speaking it should work ok.

    Finally, congratulations to the Debian project on [winning two categories at the Linux New Media Awards](http://www.debian.org/News/2011/20110304). It was especially good to hear the presentation by Karsten Gerloff who is president of the Free Software Foundation Europe.

    ## ncurses bug update
    It seems that the ncurses bug is more serious and is to do with newwin() function in the library. If you get crashes when a program starts and its linked to ncurses 5.8 (even if it is not a Debian system) you may have this problem.

    It doesn’t happen to all ncurses programs, as the stfl example code and mutt work ok.