Tag: debian
Debian WordPress 6.5
Today I have updated the Debian WordPress packages to version 6.5. Not exactly sure what has changed, but they’re very excited over on the WordPress site about fonts and templates. I don’t think I’m selling it well, so hop over to the WordPress 6.5 Announcement for the real details.
WordPress 5.8.2 Debian packages
After a bit of a delay, WordPress version 5.8.2 packages should be available now. This is a minor update from 5.8.1 which fixes two bugs but not the security bug. The security bug is due to WordPress shipping its own CA store, which is a list of certificates it trusts to sign for websites. Debian…
25 Years of Free Software
When did I start writing Free Software, now called Open Source? That’s a tricky question. Does the time start with the first file edited, the first time it compiles or perhaps even some proto-program you use to work out a concept for the real program formed later on. So using the date you start writing,…
WordPress 5.1.1
The Debian packages for WordPress version 5.1.1 are being updated as I write this. This is a security fix for WordPress that stops comments causing a cross-site scripting bug. It’s an important one to update. The backports should happen soon so even if you are using Debian stable you’ll be covered.
WordPress 5.0.1
While I missed the WordPress 5.0 release, it was only a few more days before there was a security release out. So WordPress 5.0.1 will be available in Debian soon. This is both a security update from 5.0.1 and a huge feature update from the 4.9.x versions to the 5.0 versions. The WordPress website, in…
WordPress 4.9.1
After a much longer than expected break due to moving and the resulting lack of Internet, plus WordPress releasing a package with a non-free file, the Debian package for WordPress 4.9.1 has been uploaded! WordPress 4.9 has a number of improvements, especially around the customiser components so that looked pretty slick. The editor for the…
Back Online
I now have Internet back! Which means I can try to get the Debian WordPress packages bashed into shape. Unfortunately they still have the problem with the json horrible “no evil” license which causes so many problems all over the place. I’m hoping there is a simple way of just removing that component and going…
WordPress 4.7.2
When WordPress originally announced their latest security update, there were three security fixes. While all security updates can be serious, they didn’t seem too bad. Shortly after, they updated their announcement with a fourth and more serious security problem. I have looked after the Debian WordPress package for a while. This is the first time…
procps 3.3.12
The procps developers are happy to announce that version 3.3.12 of procps was released today. This version has a mixture of bug fixes and enhancements. This unfortunately means another API bump but we are hoping this will be fixed with the new library API coming soon. procps is developed on gitlab and the new version…