Tag: Security
WordPress 5.0.1
While I missed the WordPress 5.0 release, it was only a few more days before there was a security release out. So WordPress 5.0.1 will be available in Debian soon. This is both a security update from 5.0.1 and a huge feature update from the 4.9.x versions to the 5.0 versions. The WordPress website, in…
Securing WordPress with AppArmor
WordPress is a very popular CMS. According to one report, 30% of websites use WordPress, which is an impressive feat. Despite this popularity, WordPress is built upon PHP which is often lacking in the security department. Add to this that the user that runs the webserver often has a fair bit of access and there…
WordPress 4.7.2
When WordPress originally announced their latest security update, there were three security fixes. While all security updates can be serious, they didn’t seem too bad. Shortly after, they updated their announcement with a fourth and more serious security problem. I have looked after the Debian WordPress package for a while. This is the first time…
WordPress 4.0.1 for Debian
WordPress recently released an update that had multiple security patches for their (then) current version 4.0. This release is 4.0.1 and includes important security fixes. The Debian packages got just uploaded, if you are running the Debian packaged wordpress, you should update to 4.0.1+dfsg-1 or later. I am going to look at these patches and…
WordPress update needed for stable too
Yesterday I mentioned that wordpress had an important security update to 3.8.2 The particular security bugs also impact the stable Debian version of wordpress, so those patches have been backported. I’ve uploaded the changes to the security team so hopefully there will new package soon. The version you are looking for will be 3.6.1+dfsg-1~deb7u2 and…