Month: October 2012

  • procps-ng 3.3.5

    Are you using procps 3.3.4?  My suggestion is you don’t! An API change slipped through which mean if you tried to run procps 3.3.5 on libproc 3.3.4 it did strange things. One of those strange things is ps ax crashes. Top looked rather interesting as well.  This in turn upsets the boot sequence around mounting…

  • More spam from

    I get a lot of spam.  Most of it, thankfully is blocked by dspam but occasionally i get some through the filter.  One that particularly caught my eye was interesting not so much what it was advertising (I don’t read that part of the email) but where it came from and goes to. Normally there…

  • jqGridWidget in Turbogears

        Turbogears 2 uses Toscawidgets 2 for a series of very clever widgets and base objects that you can use in your projects.  One I have been playing with is the jqGridWidget which uses jquery to display a grid. The idea with jquery is creating a grid or other object and then using javascript…

  • NTP control messages

    I have had an opportunity to rework some code to query NTP servers directly in python rather than running ntpq -pn and scraping the result.  The over-the-wire protocol format is reasonably straight forward and my little module is now passing all of its nosetests which is wonderful. While its only a single table, ntpq actually…

  • Anti-Spam Fails

    A day or two ago I tried sending an email to a friend who happens to use the Road Runner ISP for his mail service.  Now this ISP doesn’t like dynamic IP addresses (using the increasing inaccurately named Dial Up List) so I have to punt the email through my ISP’s mailserver first.  Now that…